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16 Proven Gym Marketing Ideas to Get More Clients Today

Dec 31, 2019 | Commentary

The fitness business is very competitive, so marketing is key to keeping members and gaining new ones. There are several ways to attract new customers to a gym. Offering specials such as a free trial period or personal training session will allow potential clients the chance to visit and get comfortable with your gym and equipment before making a long-term commitment. A 6-week fitness challenge can rejuvenate current members and attract new ones with a short-term commitment in which they can see real results. Adding special classes and offering meal planning and nutrition advice can increase interest in your gym. Influencers and social media advertising can be powerful marketing tools. Don't forget about email campaigns and even starting a blog to boost memberships.

Key Takeaways:

  • You may think that managing your gym takes precedence over marketing it. However, without some judicious marketing, you could find yourself with an empty gym.
  • Just like a free slice at the deli counter, a seven day gym pass is a good way to whet the appetite of potential users of your gym.
  • Draw potential customers in with free one on one time with a personal trainer. Nothing keeps would-be exercise enthusiasts away like the fear of doing it “wrong.”

“This challenge works both ways; It attracts people who might have a fitness goal but are unsure how to get there or looking to commit to a gym. It benefits you because you can push it as a limited time offer to drive foot traffic to your gym and six weeks gives contestants enough time to see the changes in their body.”

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