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How to Use Keywords in Your Blogging Strategy

Sep 17, 2019 | Commentary

These days, most people discover blogs by typing keywords into a search engine, making it important that you understand how to use keywords in your blogging strategy. A keyword search tool like Moz Keyword Explorer can help find keywords that your audience is using. This tool will also help determine how difficult it will be to rank for a particular keyword or keywords. Once your keywords are determined use them in your blogging to answer questions, or provide information of interest to your target audience.

Key Takeaways:

  • Keywords are essential in an online marketing strategy to gain organic search engine traffic.
  • There are several online tools, like Moz Keyword Explorer, that allow content creators to select the best keywords for their website.
  • After the keywords have been narrowed down to hit a target audience, they should have high search volumes, and relatively low competition.

“Blog posts developed on the basis of keyword research are different from other types of blog posts in that they focus on answering an existing question.”

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