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How to Prioritize Your Keywords For Maximum Impact

Sep 27, 2023 | Online Marketing

When it comes to your website, the keywords you choose can make or break your success. That's why it’s important to prioritize them correctly. Your keywords should be carefully chosen if you want to rank higher and drive more traffic to your website.

What Makes a Good Keyword?

The first step in prioritizing your keywords is understanding what constitutes a good keyword. Generally speaking, a good keyword should be relevant to what you are selling or promoting, have high search volume, and low competition. It should also be something that’s likely to convert into sales or leads.

For example, let’s say you sell organic dog food online. A good keyword for this would be something like “organic dog food delivery” because it has relevance to what you are selling and people who search for this term are likely looking for a place where they can buy organic dog food online. It also has high search volume (meaning more people are searching for this term) and low competition (meaning there aren’t many other websites competing for this term).

Researching Your Keywords

Once you have an idea of the type of keywords that would work best for your website, the next step is researching those keywords so that you can prioritize them properly. There are several tools available that can help with keyword research such as Google Keyword Planner and Ahrefs Keywords Explorer. These tools will provide insights into the search volumes of different keywords as well as how competitive they are so that you can decide which ones will give you the best results.

Organizing Your Keywords
Once you have done your research and gathered all the necessary data about each of your potential keywords, it’s time to organize them in order of priority. Start by creating three separate lists: one list with high-priority keywords, one list with medium-priority keywords, and one list with low-priority keywords. This will help keep things organized so that when it comes time to write content or optimize pages on your website, you know exactly which words need to take precedence over others.

Implementing Your Keywords

Now that we know which words should take priority over others when it comes time to write content or optimize pages on our website, let's discuss how we actually implement these words into our content in order make sure they have maximum impact on our SEO efforts:

1) Use Relevant Headings & Subheadings – When writing content for your website make sure each page includes relevant headings & subheadings using appropriate keyword phrases from each list (high priority/medium priority/low priority). This ensures that search engines can accurately understand what each page is about and rank them accordingly within their results pages (SERPs)

2) Sprinkle Relevant Terms Throughout Content – In addition to including relevant headings & subheadings using appropriate terms from each list above make sure those terms are sprinkled throughout the actual body copy as well as any related calls-to-action (CTAs). The more relevant terms used throughout all elements of a page the better chance it has at ranking within SERPs due its increased relevancy points

3) Internal Linking – Another great way maximize impact of chosen terms is through internal linking between related pages onsite using anchor text containing appropriate terms from each list above

Prioritizing your keywrods helps ensure maximum impact when optimizing webpages or writing content on any given topic–it also helps ensure relevancy across multiple elements found within a webpage such as heading tags & body copy while also helping bolster SEO efforts through increased internal linking practices among related topics & services offered by any given business online . By following these steps listed above businesses & individuals alike will able find success in their SEO endeavors while also driving more traffic towards their websites through increased rankings within SERPs thanks largely due successful implementation practices related prioritized keyword phrases .

A laptop, tablet, and smartphone displaying a responsive design website layout on a wooden desk with a cup of coffee and eyeglasses, all set against the backdrop of exploring Shollenberger Park in Pet