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Creative Ways to Earn More Links

Nov 8, 2023 | Online Marketing

When it comes to building links, many marketers get stuck in the same old rut of just using the same tactics over and over. But there are so many creative ways to earn more links that you may not have considered – and if you’re looking for a way to stand out from the competition, then trying a few of these tactics could be just what you need.

Guest Posting

Guest posting is one of the most common link building strategies, but if done well, it can also be one of the most effective. It’s all about finding relevant websites in your industry with a solid readership and an engaged audience – then writing content specifically for them that will benefit their readers.

When done right, guest posting offers multiple benefits: You can establish yourself as an expert in your field; build relationships with other bloggers; and get valuable links back to your website or blog. The key is to make sure that whatever content you write is helpful and relevant – otherwise, it won’t get published or shared.

Resource Pages
Many websites have resource pages dedicated to certain topics or industries – and they often include links to helpful articles or tools related to those topics. These pages are great opportunities for link building because they’re usually well-maintained and easy to find through search engines – all you have to do is reach out with your content (or even just ask) and see if it’s suitable for inclusion on their page.

Press Releases
Press releases are another great way to get more visibility – both online and off. Writing a press release about something newsworthy related to your business can help generate buzz around your brand, as well as valuable links from major publications like newspapers, magazines, blogs, etc. Just make sure that whatever press release you write is newsworthy (not just promotional) so that it stands out from other releases being sent out by other companies in your industry.

Broken Link Building

Broken link building can provide some quick wins when it comes to earning more links since it only requires identifying broken links on websites related to yours (or in publications related topically). All you need is a tool like Ahrefs or Moz Pro that helps identify broken external links on any given page – then reach out with helpful suggestions on how they could replace those broken ones with new ones pointing back at your site instead!

Social Media Engagement

Social media has become an important part of any digital marketing strategy these days – but not everyone takes full advantage of its ability to generate traffic and build quality backlinks . If done correctly social media engagement can help build relationships between brands/individuals by sharing interesting content which can lead potential customers/followers directly back into their website; while also helping them generate high-quality backlinks through organic mentions/shares/etc from existing followers/influencers who already had established trustworthiness within their respective networks!


Creative link building doesn’t have be complex – try these five tactics first before moving onto more advanced techniques like outreach campaigns or gaining coverage in major publications! With some research & experimentation anyone should be able find creative ways fit for their own needs & goals whether its increased brand awareness or improved SEO rankings!

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