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Answer: How to Identify Underperforming Webpages with a SEO Health Check

Oct 4, 2023 | Online Marketing

Have you ever been in the position where your website was underperforming, but you couldn’t figure out why? You may have been doing all the right things from a SEO perspective, but still not seeing the desired results. If this is the case, it's time to run a SEO health check.

A SEO health check is an important tool to identify and diagnose any issues with your webpages that are preventing them from performing as expected. By examining your website’s structure, content, and other elements closely, you can quickly pinpoint areas of your website that need improvements in order to boost its search engine rankings and visibility.

What is a SEO Health Check?
A SEO health check is an assessment of how well optimised a webpage or domain is for search engine optimization (SEO). It involves checking various aspects of your website such as its meta tags, keywords, content quality and length as well as assessing any technical errors or problems associated with the page. A comprehensive health check will also include measuring how powerful or authoritative the domain name itself is in relation to other similar websites.

Why Is It Important To Perform A SEO Health Check?
Performing a thorough SEO health check provides invaluable insights into where improvements can be made on your website to help it rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs). It also helps identify any problems that could be causing poor performance and visibility for a particular page or domain so that they can be corrected before too much damage has been done. Doing regular checks allows webmasters to keep their websites up-to-date with current best practices and stay ahead of their competition by ensuring their pages are optimised for maximum visibility and performance.

How Do You Perform A SEO Health Check?
The first step in performing a SEO health check is to audit all elements of your webpage's structure including meta tags, titles, headings, alt text and URLs. This helps ensure that they are up-to-date with current best practices and free from any errors which could negatively affect rankings or visibility. Additionally, it's important to assess the content quality on each page; this includes checking for keyword usage (both primary keywords as well as related terms) in order to ensure that pages are fully optimised for relevant searches whilst avoiding keyword stuffing which could cause penalties from search engines. Finally, it’s essential to measure how authoritative/powerful the domain name itself is when compared against similar websites; this can be done by using tools such as Moz Domain Authority Score which measures a site’s ranking strength based on various metrics including backlinks profiles & social signals amongst others.

It’s clear that running a comprehensive SEO health check should be part of every webmaster’s regular maintenance routine if they want their webpages to perform at optimal levels; not only does it allow them to identify issues quickly but also uncover opportunities for improvement before they become too costly or damaging to fix later down the line! Regularly running checks will help ensure that websites remain competitive by staying up-to-date with current best practices so they can enjoy increased visibility & higher rankings on SERPs without having unnecessary downtime due to technical errors or poor content quality/structure issues being overlooked until it’s too late!

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